An image depicting a cozy café in Madeira, where travelers are enjoying coffee while using l ()


Madeira, an idyllic archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, is renowned for its stunning landscapes and rich culture. But let’s not kid ourselves—modern travelers want to know about connectivity. Whether you’re working remotely, updating your Instagram, or simply need to navigate, staying connected is crucial. Here’s a comprehensive guide to internet, WiFi, and phone connectivity in Madeira.

Internet Providers

Main Providers

In Madeira, the primary internet service providers include NOS Madeira, MEO, and Vodafone. These providers offer a range of internet packages, including fiber-optic, DSL, and mobile internet options.


NOS and MEO generally offer the most extensive coverage, particularly in urban areas such as Funchal, Machico, and Câmara de Lobos. Vodafone is also reliable but may have slightly less coverage in more remote areas.

Wifi Availability

Public Wifi Spots

Madeira is quite tourist-friendly, and you’ll find public WiFi spots in major towns and tourist areas. Funchal, the capital, offers free WiFi in many public spaces, including parks and squares.

Wifi in Hotels

Most hotels in Madeira offer free WiFi, though the speed and reliability can differ. Luxury hotels and established chains are more likely to have robust, high-speed connections, while smaller or budget accommodations might surprise you with their spotty coverage.

Wifi in Cafes and Restaurants

Many cafes and restaurants provide free WiFi to patrons. Popular spots in Funchal and other tourist-heavy areas often have good connections. Just ask for the password, and you’re set!

Mobile Phone Connectivity

Local Carriers

The main mobile carriers in Madeira are NOS, MEO, and Vodafone. These carriers provide a range of prepaid and postpaid plans.

Coverage and Signal Strength

Urban areas like Funchal and Machico enjoy excellent signal strength. In rural or mountainous regions, the signal can be weaker, but you’ll still find relatively good coverage compared to many other remote locations.

SIM Cards for Tourists

Tourists can easily purchase prepaid SIM cards from any of the main carriers. These are available at airports, convenience stores, and carrier-specific shops. Plans are generally affordable, with options for data-heavy users.

Roaming Charges

If you’re coming from another EU country, rejoice! Roaming charges are typically the same as your home country’s rates due to EU regulations. For non-EU travelers, it might be worth looking into a local SIM to avoid exorbitant fees.

Internet Speed

Average Speed

Madeira offers decent internet speeds, with average speeds ranging from 30-100 Mbps for home connections, depending on the provider and plan.

Speed in Urban vs. Rural Areas

Urban areas like Funchal enjoy higher speeds due to better infrastructure, often reaching 100 Mbps or more. Rural areas can be slower, sometimes dipping below 30 Mbps, particularly in more isolated locales.

Tips for Staying Connected

Using VPN

If you’re concerned about security or need to access content from your home country, consider using a VPN. This will keep your data secure and make it appear as though you’re browsing from another location.

Apps for Connectivity

Apps like WhatsApp, Skype, and Zoom are widely used for staying connected. Most cafes and public WiFi spots will support these apps without any issues.

Emergency Connectivity

Emergency Numbers

In case of an emergency, dial 112. This is the universal emergency number for police, fire, and medical services.

Reliable Networks

For the most reliable connectivity, stick with NOS or MEO. These networks have the most extensive coverage and are generally more reliable in emergency situations.


In Madeira, connectivity is generally reliable and accessible, whether you’re in urban Funchal or venturing into the island’s more remote areas. With a variety of internet providers, widely available WiFi, and robust mobile networks, staying connected is a breeze. Just remember, even in paradise, a dropped connection can happen—consider it a sign to take a tech break and enjoy the stunning views!